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Ponudnik storitev
Koda izdelka: 10009445 | ID: 1006391
To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo:
Serija LTD '87 je zvesta rekreacija nabora instrumentov iz kataloga ESP iz leta 1987. LTD M-1 Custom '87, ki temelji na legendarnem originalnem modelu ESP M-1, ponuja konstrukcijo ohišja skozi vrat za hiter dostop do najvišjih pragov. Njegovo udobno telo iz jelše in tridelni ekstra tanek javorjev vrat v obliki črke U sta zasnovana za hitrost in gladko igranje. M-1 Custom '87 ima na vrhu nameščen most Floyd Rose 1000 in en pickup Seymour Duncan TB-6 Distortion s potisnim nadzorom za cepljenje tuljave in stikalo za povečanje EMG PA-2, ko potrebujete to dodatno potiska surove moči. TB-6 je klasičen Duncan visoko zmogljiv pasivni humbucker, ki vključuje ogromen keramični magnet in vroča navitja tuljave, ki zagotavljajo močne, a uravnotežene rock in kovinske tone z bogato harmonično vsebino zgornjega srednjega tona.
Prednostna roka
Število prečk
Konfiguracija odjemnikov
Vratu profil
Pickup za mostič
Vložki ubiralka
Sedlo (material)
Strap Button
Barva glede na proizvajalca
Metallic Gold
Vrhnja plošča
3pc Maple
Macassar Ebony
Truss rod
Dolžina skale (mm)
Ubiralka radius
Velikost prečk
Širina sedla (mm)
Država izvora
Južna Koreja
Vse ocene prihajajo od preverjenih strank, ki so v preteklosti že kupile izdelek pri nas.
Ivan V.
Ocenjena varianta
Odlična gitara!
Samodejno prevedeno
Gerald P.
Ocenjena varianta
The good stuff: This guitar is the guitar I wanted forever without knowing it. The sounds and sustain you get out of such a simple layout is wonderful. The color is also beautiful and I can't get my eyes off it. The Bad stuff: the guitar was made in Indonesia and the finish isn't impeccable, as opposed to my other Korean made LTDs from the same series. The set up was also terrible, with a very high action and slanted tremolo out of the box! The boost toggle switch was loose and switches from one position to the other with a caress and there is no way I can tighten this up without replacing the whole unit, sadly. I don't know how the guitar was stored before shipment, but the box was slightly damaged at the nut level, and the locking nut screws that popped out of the box were rusty. The fretboard was also super dry! And yet, with all of this in mind, I love the guitar and the issues are, for the most part , easy to fix. I will keep this guitar for some time for sure as it is the one I play the most out of my 40+ guitars, cause it plays and sound SO GOOD. I also swapped the Floyd Rose 1000 for the german original Floyd Rose, it's more stable and less stiff to use.
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