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Ponudnik storitev
Koda izdelka: 10008025 | ID: 446853
To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo:
Billy je želel, da ima njegov vratni pickup "super globoke nizke vrednosti." Relentless™ Neck opravlja svoje delo z zelo nizkim resonančnim vrhom, kar daje vsem nižjim frekvencam večjo globino. Nizki konec se dobro prenaša, tudi ko igrate v zgornjih registrih frajtonov, v bistvu drži spodnji del v živi situaciji, ne glede na to, kje ste na frajtonski plošči.
Glede na število ocen: 2
Vse ocene prihajajo od preverjenih strank, ki so v preteklosti že kupile izdelek pri nas.
vladimír t.
Pro mé využití je ideání. V kombinaci s DP 123 u kobylky je to paráda.
Samodejno prevedeno
Simon B.
Velika Britanija
This is a great pickup when used in the neck position of a two-channel system (as per Billy Sheehan). Please note that this is a nickel (chrome) pickup all over, not white, there is no white on the top or sides (the N in the part number denotes Nickel), this is just the reflection of the background from marketing photographs. DiMarzio don't make this in white. The pickup is excellent and covers the extremely low bass frequencies, it's quite unique and has a specific use case. Excellent construction and it also has a plastic connection on the potted base to allow it to be quickly connected rather than soldered. A good product if this is what you specifically are looking for. Just don't expect to use it in isolation as a single pickup.
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