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Ponudnik storitev
Koda izdelka: CB90R | ID: 211102
To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo:
Ročaj z gumijasto glavno površino, palico in uravnavanje teže, ki je primeren za pedalne bobne pedal Tama Iron Cobra.
Država izvora
Vse ocene prihajajo od preverjenih strank, ki so v preteklosti že kupile izdelek pri nas.
Budurean M.
I'm sorry to say this, but this product is just bad. I am a Tama fan, my drumkit is Tama, but these beaters are not up to their usual standards. After playing only a few times with them, both beaters (I use a double pedal) started to have the same problem : no matter how hard I tighten the bolt at the back of the head, the beater head starts to slowly tilt while I play - up to the point where it's actually hitting the drum head with the side of the head !!! ). I bought this exact type of beater, but with felt heads about 10 years ago, and played the crap out of them. Never with problems. I guess quality nowadays just isn't what it used to be
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Zsolt F.
Zoltán K.
Martin B.
skvelý attack
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